Hellfrost das Savage Worlds Setting hat geschafft wo wir noch dran werkeln. Ein eigener Soundtrack. Das ganze ist vermutlich in ein Powermetalkleid gezimmert worden zu dem es folgendes von der Website zu lesen gibt:
Hellfrost goes METAL!
Seven years ago, Wiggy began writing Hellfrost. In that time it’s grown from a small idea into a vibrant and comprehensive setting, and this year it branches out in a way he still finds hard to believe is actually happening.
As some of you know, a few months back Wiggy got in contact with Swedish melodic death metal band The Unguided regarding their Hell Frost album. Same name as the RPG setting, so he figured it was worth an e-mail to see if they were gamers. He got chatting to Richard Sjunnesson, the band’s harsh vocalist and lyricist, and traded PDFs for the album (which you should buy because, frankly, it’s bloody excellent).
Since then he’s been secretly collaborating with Richard on the lyrics for a song based on the Hellfrost RPG setting. No, really, Hellfrost (well, one beloved and feared aspect of it, at least) has been put to music, and as Wiggy’s 43rd birthday dawns he’s achieved something he never thought possible—a co-lyrics credit with a metal band!
Right now that’s all we can say, as Wiggy is sworn to secrecy. More information about the track will be available at www.sixonesix.se on June 16 (and we’ll be shouting about it here once Wiggy is allowed to talk more openly). Coincidentally, that’s very close to Triple Ace Games’ 4th birthday, so it’s a joint celebration!
Ich hab die Scheiben noch nicht gehört, das Album kommt mit sage und schreibe 14 CDs daher. Was auf der Seite aber zu erfahren ist lässt auf Powermetal schließen.
The Unguided (Ex Sonic Syndicate & Dead by April) selber haut mich nicht um zumindest nicht Phoenix Down.
Ziemlich heftiger Mix aus Metalcore Growls, Powermetal-Geschunkel, ein wenig gepose und kitschigen Keyboards. Hm Hellfrost klingt in meinem Kopf ganz schön anders. Aber gut muss ja nich jeder auf geblaste und geschreddere stehen…
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